
Friday, November 22, 2013

Tieks Giveaway and a Thanksgiving Freebie!

I know, I know... I'm breaking a huge bloggy rule by posting twice in one day. *gasp* I am such a rebel. =)

I am so jealous of those of you that are on Thanksgiving Break already! We have to go to school until Tuesday. BUT I do have a fun little FREEBIE for those of you who also have a couple of days left.

Did you hear about my Tieks giveaway?! You could win a $100 Tieks gift card! Don't miss it! Click the picture to go to the giveaway.

We have been having some Thanksgiving themed fun this week. We did a fabulous turkey craftivity.

Here is everyone's turkey. Some followed directions better than others... buuuut every single one of them was SO very proud of their turkeys and will not stop asking when they can take them home. You can get this freebie from Doodlebugs here.

We did some thankful writing along with our turkey craft. They did a really nice job of being thankful for things other than toys, candy, etc. 

"I am thankful for God and the teacher."
(Apparently I have no name. Just "the teacher". Haha!)

I have just started using a new software for testing. It is called ESGI (Educational Software for Guiding Instruction). Let me just tell you... it rocks!! It makes testing so much easier and FASTER. Click the logo above to check it out and get a $40 discount with the code B2552! Look for a full review coming soon! 

Last but not least, here is a Thanksgiving freebie for you! We are using it next week. It is a pumpkin tasting and graphing activity! Click the picture to download for free!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I keep seeing these Tieks everywhere, and I am on my way to check out this giveaway. I already have a shoe obsession, so I imagine I'm gonna love it ! Loved reading your FIVE, and hope you have a great last two days and enjoy your break!!:)

    First Grade Fairytales

  2. Love your five! Just entered your giveaway! :)
    We made those same turkeys last week. Too cute.

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten
